About us

Since 2016, our company has been selling high-quality furniture for your home. Having become a leader in the segment of interior and entrance doors, we decided to use all our accumulated knowledge and skills to help you make your home comfortable and cozy at the lowest prices.



The main idea and value of our company. Each of our clients can choose furniture for their apartment or house from a wide range of products at the best prices on the market.


Environmental friendliness

We are for an eco-friendly lifestyle. We cooperate with responsible suppliers and sell only certified products and harmless products.



We sell only high-quality products, providing a guarantee for all products. We also work every day to improve the level of service to our clients.


Standard of living

Improving people’s living standards is one of the most important priorities in our work. We care what your home will be like, so we offer furniture and home accessories with an ideal ratio of not only price and quality, but with a stylish design and appearance.



We try to ensure that in our online store you can easily find, select and view products in the shortest possible time and without the necessary searches. Every day we improve the site’s filters, offer ready-made solutions and share tips on arranging your home.


This website is the property of Duzo mebli Sp. z o.o. We make every effort to provide our users with relevant and useful information.


This website is owned by Duzo mebli Sp. z o.o.. We strive to provide relevant and useful information to our users.

Company name: Duzo mebli Sp. z o.o.
Official address: Geodetow 1/C215, 64-100 Leszno, Poland
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +48655125547
Managing Director: Alojzy Urban
Registration number: 1352126659
Name of the registering authority: Powierza Krzysztof Adwokat – Kancelaria adwokacka
Address of the registering authority: Słowiańska 63, 64-100 Leszno, Poland